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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

26 august 2016
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Местная компания – крупный про...

Наш партнер - местная компания – крупный производитель и дистрибьютор продуктов питания, находится в поиске Коммерческого директора. Заинтересованных кандидатов просим отослать свое резюме на почту: / или позвонить по номеру 062101257 .Будем признательны за рекомендации. Компания предлагает: - Достойную заработную плату + бонусы, - Официальное трудоустройство + социальный пакет, - Компенсацию расходов на телефон,

26 august 2016
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Family Market

Ești persoană amabilă, binevoitoare , plină de viață?!! Astfel că îi molipsești și pe cei din jur cu starea ta de bine?!!! Tot odată ai cunoştinţe sau experienţă de muncă în unul din domeniiile: vînzări, management, restaurante (alimentaţie publică)!!!? Atunci te aşteptăm în echipa noastră!!! Noi îţi oferim un post de munca stabil cu posibilităţi de realizare şi creştere profesionala şi salarială ( în dependenţă de cunoştinţe ,abilităţi

26 august 2016
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Family Market

Ești persoană amabilă, binevoitoare , plină de viață?!! Astfel că îi molipsești și pe cei din jur cu starea ta de bine?!!! Tot odată ai cunoştinţe sau experienţă de muncă în unul din domeniiile: vînzări, management, restaurante (alimentaţie publică)!!!? Atunci te aşteptăm în echipa noastră!!! Noi îţi oferim un post de munca stabil cu posibilităţi de realizare şi creştere profesionala şi salarială ( în dependenţă de cunoştinţe ,abilităţi

26 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Administrative Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Administrative manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Position overview: a result driven ass

25 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

25 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

25 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

25 august 2016
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ÎPC ICAM SA мебельная фабрик...

Знание технологии производства мягкой мебели, -знание комп.программ 3DSMMAX,Autocad и др -технические знания проектирования мебели -знание материалов и фурнитуры. Условия: Полный социальный пакет Бесплатные обеды Достойная заработная плата

25 august 2016
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ÎPC ICAM SA (мебельная фабрика...

Полный соцпакет Бесплатные обеды

25 august 2016
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ÎPC ICAM SA мебельная фабрик...

Полный соцпакет Бесплатные обеды

25 august 2016
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ÎPC ICAM SA мебельная фабрик...

Полный соцпакет Беспланые обеды

25 august 2016
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Ответственный, пунктуальный и жизнерадостный. желательно знание компьютера.

25 august 2016
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Ответственный, пунктуальный и жизнерадостный.

25 august 2016
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Fabrica de mobila

Cerinţe: - Studii în domeniu; - Experienţa profesională; - Cunoașterea programei de proiectare; - Responsabilitate, atenție la detalii; - Abilități de comunicare, punctualitate. Oferim: - Pachet social complet. - Salariu competitiv (stabil şi plătit la timp) Candidaţii interesaţi sunt rugaţi să expedieze CV-ul la adresa: cu mentionarea postului vacant.

24 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Sales Manager (Compressor Technique) Company Overview: International company present worldwide that sells industrial equipment Compressor Technique Sales Engineer Job summary: a result driven sales person with engineering background that will represent the company in Moldov

24 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

24 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

24 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

24 august 2016
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HR Consulting, agentie de recrutare in Moldova care activeaza din anul 1995 este in cautare pentru pozitia de Tehnician Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca Profilul companiei: companie internationala, in domeniu producerii automotive, numarul de salariati 500-700. TEHNICIAN SECURITATE SI SANATATE IN MUNCA (producere in Chisinau) RESPONSABILITATI: • Organizarea instruirii interne a salariaţilor întreprinderii în domeniul securităţii ş

24 august 2016
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Family Market

Ești persoană amabilă, binevoitoare , plină de viață?!! Astfel că îi molipsești și pe cei din jur cu starea ta de bine?!!! Tot odată ai cunoştinţe sau experienţă de muncă în unul din domeniiile: vînzări, management, restaurante (alimentaţie publică)!!!? Atunci te aşteptăm în echipa noastră!!! Noi îţi oferim un post de munca stabil cu posibilităţi de realizare şi creştere profesionala şi salarială ( în dependenţă de cunoştinţe ,abilităţi

24 august 2016
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Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului său, este în căutarea candidatului pentru postul vacant: Manager departament cercetare – dezvoltare (R&D) Compania: Liderul pietei de ingrediente alimentare în sud - estul europei. Obiectivele postului: - Dezvoltarea Centrului Inovational de Cercetare si Dezvoltarei in domeniul condimentelor - Coordonarea proceselor de cercetare si dezvoltare a produselor noi -

23 august 2016
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Weegree POLAND

Новая вакансия: Работник в магазин. Работа от сейчас. г. Bielsko Biała Ищем 8 женщин. Описание вакансии: Ищем кассиров, умеющие обращаться с деньгами – работа у кассового аппарата и обслуживание клиентов. Ищем работника в мясной отдел - обслуживание клиентов в магазине. Если нет опыта работы в магазине, ищем разнорабочего - мытьё полов, мытье социальной части, помощь в выкладке товара. Есть машины для мытья taska 755 B. Требован

23 august 2016
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Compania HR-Consulting ( la solicitarea clientului sau, este in cautarea candidatilor pentru postul vacant: INGINER, RESPONSABIL SSM IN TRANSPORT Misiune: Asigura si monitorizeaza desfasurarea tuturor activitatilor de transport in cadrul activitatilor companiei conform reglementarilor legale ale Republicii Moldova si cerintelor Grupului LafargeHolcim. Cerinte: • Studii tehnice superioare. Licentiere in specialitatea

23 august 2016
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Weegree POLAND

Новая вакансия: Работник на покраске пластиковых элементов г. Krapkowice. Работа от сейчас! Ищем одного работника. Описание вакансии: - работа в цеху по производству пластиковых элементов, - покраска пластиковых элементов, произведённых для машин Вольво и поездов, - покраска при помощи пистолета-распылителя на мокро, - покраска в два этапа. Требования: - желание работать с понедельника по пятницу, - опыт работы в команде, над

23 august 2016
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Weegree POLAND

Новая вакансия: СВАРЩИК г. Opole Описание работы: - сварка труб (Т) и листового металла (Р), - дуговая сварка порошковой проволокой с защитой активным газом (136), - дуговая сварка металлическим электродом в инертном газе и электродом с металлическим сердечником (138), - трубы в положении HL045, - черная сталь (FM1) (FM2). Требования: - знание польского языка, - образование по специальности сварщик, - резюме с подробным

23 august 2016
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Weegree POLAND

Новая вакансия: СТОЛЯР г. Będzin. Ищем 2 работников. Описание работы: - производство и монтаж мебели, отделка интерьеров, - работа на фирме, но иногда работа у клиента на дому, связанная с монтажом мебели, отделкой интерьера. Требования: - опыт работы в столярной мастерской – работа на столярных станках, - умение использовать основные электроинструменты, как шлифовальный станок, дрель, шуруповерт, - опыт в выполнении основных

23 august 2016
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Weegree POLAND

Новая вакансия. Работа от 16.08.2016 РАБОТНИК ПРОДУКЦИИ, город Mirków, рядом с Вроцлавом Характеристика работы: - Подготовка элементов для обработки, покраски, - Защита поверхности, - Подготовка покрашенных элементов к отправке, упаковка Требования: - Приветствуется коммуникативная знание польского языка, - Приветствуется опыт работы на аналогичной должности, - Готовность к работе в 3 смены, - Готовность к работе сверхур

23 august 2016
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Weegree POLAND

Новая вакансия. ИЩЕМ 3х женщин и 4х мужчин. г. Rzeniszów Характеристика работы: - для женщин: очистка кости от мяса при помощи ножа, - для мужчин: работа на производственной линии – перемещение контейнеров. Требования: - наличие санитарной книжечки (помогаем сделать), - приветствуется опыт работы на данной должности - желание работать, - желание работать в дополнительное время. Мы предлагаем: - договор злецение, -

23 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

23 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

23 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

23 august 2016
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Dirove Centru SRL

Persoane responsabile, doritoare de a lucra. Ambalarea produselor din hirtie si carton, confectionarea pungilor din hirtie si a cutiilor din carton. Oferim salariu stabil, pachet social complect.Program de lucru 8.30-18.00 de luni pina vineri.

23 august 2016
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требуется обувщик ( затяжки обуви ) условия работы хорошие (полный соц. пакет) расценки высокие . звоните до 22:00

23 august 2016
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Asamblor mobila

Cerinte: - experienta de munca in domeniu minim 2 ani; - cunoasterea tehnologiilor de producere a mobilei; - responsabilitate, punctualitate si seriozitate: Oferim: -loc de munca stabil; - salariu de la 4000; - intreg pachet social; - mediu placut de lucru.

22 august 2016
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Cerinte: - experienta de munca in domeniu, - cunoasterea tehnologiilor de producere a mobilei, - responsabilitate, initiativa, spirit analitic. - dorinta de a munci sirguincios Conditii acordate din partea companiei: -Loc de munca stabil -Salariul atractiv - Conditii bune de munca; - intreg pachet social, - mediu placut de lucru.

22 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

22 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Equipment Manager Company Overview: A great international company that will open within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees, in a region of Moldova. Equipment Manager (manufacturing, a region in Moldova) Job summary: equipment engineer that will help to

22 august 2016
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HR-Consulting is a recruitment agency with more than 20 years in business. We are currently looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of the Production Responsible in Moldova. Company Overview: A great international company that will open, within the automotive production, company size 500-700 employees. PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE (automotive) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan the production for the manufactory a

22 august 2016
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Angajam agrotehnolog (fertilizanti, etc.) Cerinţe: • Studii agricole • Cunoştinţe vaste in domeniul agricol (substraturi, fertilizanti, etc) • Comunicare liberă în limba română, rusă • Posedarea PC • Responsabil, disciplinat, onest, organizat, punctual, comunicabil. Responsabilităţi: • Cunostinte in domeniul tehnologiei fertilizantilor, etc • Cunostinte privind procesul de combinare a substraturilor, (lucrul cu substraturi, etc) • alt

22 august 2016
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Производственное предприятие

Специалист на производственном предприятии Обязанности: • Ведение учета компонентов при производстве; • Участие в процессе производства с фиксированием данных; • Обеспечение и контроль рационального использования компонентов при производстве кормов; • Составление и ведение отчетности и поддержание базы данных в актуальном состоянии. Требования к кандидатам: • Высшее профильное образование (Техническое, Менеджмент, Экономика); • Опыт ра

22 august 2016
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Основные задачи должности: Подготавливает к работе электросварочный аппарат и изделия для сварки. Проводит работы по ручной электросварке. Проводит первичный контроль за качеством сварки. Проводит ремонт дублирующего оборудования/агрегатов Проводит монтаж, демонтаж устаревших линий трубопроводов Обход закреплённой территории для осуществления контроля работы трубопроводов Знания: Нормативные, методические и другие материалы по организации

22 august 2016
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srl Safranax

AMBALATOARE /OR Angajăm ambalatoare/or de produse de panificaţie la,inclusiv studenti(lucram scimburi de noapte) la brutăria”SAFRAN”, aflată pe adresa Iazului 3/1. Oferim condiţii bune de lucru, salariu atractiv garantat plătit la timp, pachet social complet. CERINŢE: disciplinat/ă, răspunzător/e, cinstit/ă. tel. 022-45-96-40,43-60-45, mob.069120054,069-41-39-55

22 august 2016
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SA Universcom

Condiţii: -săptămâna de lucru de 5 zile- 8-30 - 17-00 - pachet social, -transport de serviciu -salariu decent

22 august 2016
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SA Universcom

На постоянную работу в швейный цех требуются швеи. Условия труда: -полная занятость: 5 дневная раб.нед.с 8-30 час. до 17 час. -официальное трудоустройство, полный соц.пакет, служебный транспорт -достойная заработная плата Кандидаты могут высылать CV на E-mail: или обращаться по тел. 022-29-48-80, моб. 068555480.

22 august 2016
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Compania de producere mobila la comanda,, Bismobil" angajaza lucratori - specialisti cu experienta in domeniu minimum 2 ani la producerea comenzilor individuale. Cunoasterea lucrului cu mecanisme hettich, blum

20 august 2016
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Puitor ambalator


19 august 2016
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Трудоустраиваем и мужчин и женщин без знание польского языка. Делаем приглашения на работу(бесплатно) Нужны разнорабочие на разделку птицы Зарплата- около 3000 зл/месяц) Нужны разнорабочие на мебельную фабрику. Рабочий график- с понедельника по субботу Вакансия бесплатная!!! звоните прямо на завод. Для сотрудников заинтересованных на ПМЖ в Польше содействуем в получении «karty pobytu» tel. в Польше: +48886467740 (Жанна) На вай

19 august 2016
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Grafic 8:00 - 17:00

19 august 2016
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Grafic 7:00 - 15:30

19 august 2016
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